2025 Membership
We encourage everyone to use this online application form 2025 Application/Renewal Form as it automates a great deal of work for your volunteers.
If you have questions about the league, contact our membership chair, Vicky Shofner, HERE.
January 27, 2025
Good afternoon Ladies,
It's the time of year to think about registering for Harpeth Hills Ladies Golf league 2025 season! We are all looking forward to sunny days and great golf!
The cost of your GHIN fee is $30 and our membership is $45. There are also a number of optional opportunities you may wish to join. The Spring Luncheon will be held on March 20 at Park Cafe, close to McCabe Golf Course, for $35 which includes gratuity and free valet parking. A flyer with all of the particulars will follow. You may choose to join our Hole-in-One Club for $5 and/or our Ringer Board for an additional $5. Many of you carry your GHIN's elsewhere so you needn’t include that in your registration fee, some of you may not go to the luncheon or join all or none of the optional games, so costs will vary from person to person.
Like last year, you can pay by check or use Venmo. If you choose to pay by check, please make it payable to HHLGL and mail to Lezlie Murray, our treasurer, 1251 Devens Court, Brentwood, TN 37027. Whether paying by check or Venmo, please fill out the application form on-line. You can Venmo using the app on your phone or going to https://www.venmo.com/u/HHLGLeague. Look for the bluebird and memorial garden on the HHLGLeague Venmo site. We are asking for an annual one-time $3 fee to cover our handling costs. This is ONLY for those of you using Venmo, so please don’t forget to add that to your total.
For those of you interested in playing in our Shaver/Walls match play tournament, Karin Rader will be sending out information separately.
If you have any questions or would like to be purged from our distribution list, don't hesitate to reach out. We would appreciate your registering no later than February 28. We are looking forward to a great year and can't wait to get back to the golf course!
See you soon,
Vicky Shofner, Membership Chair
Mark Your Calendar
(dates are subject to change)
-March 20th-
Opening Luncheon
-April 3rd-
Opening Day
-May 22nd-
Memorial Tournament
(Rain make up day May 29th)
-June 19th-
Member/Guest Tournament
-August 7th & 14th-
Handicap Tournament
(Rain make up day August 21st)
-September 11th-
Golf Fore A Cause
-September 18th & 25th-
Club Championship
(Rain make up day October 2nd)
-October 15th & 16th-
Davis Cup
-October 30th-
Halloween Play/Final Play Day
-November 6th-
Closing Lunch
If you would like a digital copy of our member directory or have a correction for the current one, please send an email HERE.
Questions or Comments: CONTACT US